XX-Saber Fulhelmknight - SP15-EN005 - Shatterfoil - 1st Edition Tweet Out of stock. $0.69 Wishlist Details Passcode: 78422252 Set: Star Pack: Arc-V ATK/DEF: 1300/1000 Card Number: SP15-EN005 Monster Type: Warrior Rarity: Shatterfoil Attribute: Earth Card Text: When your opponent declares an attack, you can select the attacking monster, and negate the attack. You can only activate this effect once (while this card remains face-up on the field). If this card destroys a Defense Position monster your opponent controls by battle, you can select 1 Level 4 or lower "X-Saber" monster in your Graveyard, and Special Summon it. Level: 3 Card Type: Tuner Monster Name: XX-Saber Fulhelmknight Edition: 1st