Yellow Gadget - HL07-EN006 - Parallel Rare - Limited Edition Tweet Out of stock. $14.89 Wishlist Details Card Rules: Rulings powered by The Netrep API. [Re: Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon] The effect granted by Tributing 'Yellow Gadget' is a Trigger Effect that starts a chain when this card destroys an opponent's monster by battle. Passcode: 13839120 Set: Hobby League Season 7 ATK/DEF: 1200/1200 Card Number: HL07-EN006 Monster Type: Machine Rarity: Parallel Rare Attribute: Earth Card Text: When you Normal Summon or Special Summon this card, you can add 1 'Green Gadget' from your Deck to your hand. Level: 4 Card Type: Effect Monster Name: Yellow Gadget Edition: Limited